All posts by Pax Ahimsa Gethen

Trans Visibility Exposes Cis Fragility

[Image: Self-portrait of the author, standing outside in the sun wearing a blue and white patterned headwrap, red and black eyeglasses with tinted lenses, purple cloth mask, purple hoodie, and blue T-shirt.]

Today’s story on Medium, “Trans Visibility Exposes Cis Fragility“, is about gender dysphoria and trans-antagonism.

Don’t Defund, Dismantle.

[Image: Black and white line drawings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, two of many victims of anti-black racism and police violence in the United States. From the Justice For Our Lives portrait series by Oree Originol.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Don’t Defund, Dismantle“, is about radical action to end white supremacy.