Tag Archives: cissexism

Breasts, beards, and binaries

[Image: Pax pre-transition, wearing a sports bra and shorts, runs to the finish line of the US Half Marathon in San Francisco. Photo by Ziggy.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Breasts, beards, and binaries“, is about the significant gender dysphoria I experience as a transmasculine person with visible breasts. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive drafts.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Show up for black and brown trans women

[Image: Tanesh Nutall stands with Isa Noyola, Deputy Director of the Transgender Law Center, at a rally outside San Francisco City Hall.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Show up for black and brown trans women“, is about yesterday’s Transgender Law Center rally and press conference for Tanesh Nutall, who was discriminated against by a San Francisco city employee. This story is unlocked, so everyone can read it; please share if you like it.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Conflicted thoughts on Thanksgiving

[Image: An activist at a Stand with Standing Rock rally in San Francisco holds a sign reading “Protect the Sacred”.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Conflicted thoughts on Thanksgiving“, is about reconciling the celebration of the holiday with the continued oppression of marginalized humans and the killing of animals. Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks.

Trans resistance and resilience

[Image: Mikaela Kendrick sings at the 2017 Transgender Day of Remembrance event at the San Francisco LGBT Center.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Trans resistance and resilience“, is about the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. I attended and took photos at Monday’s event in San Francisco. Please follow me on Medium and help amplify trans voices.

To see and be seen clearly

[Image: Self-portrait of the author wearing glasses.]

Today’s post on Medium, “To see and be seen clearly“, is my perspective on the necessity of medical treatment for gender dysphoria. This story is for Medium members, but non-members with (free) Medium accounts get three free members-only stories a month. My Patreon supporters also get access to exclusive drafts. Please share and help amplify trans voices for Transgender Awareness Week.

Assimilation or extermination: The lies of the “LGBTQ” president

[Image: Marchers in the Resistance contingent of the 2017 San Francisco Pride Parade hold various signs supporting trans, black and brown folks, and immigrants.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Assimilation or extermination: The lies of the ‘LGBTQ’ president“, is about the erosion of the rights and dignity of LGBTQ people by Donald Trump and his administration, after Trump lied about supporting the community during his campaign.

This is a post for Medium members only, but non-members get three free members-only stories a month, and my Patreon subscribers get access to exclusive previews. Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Celebrating our sisters: Trans women of color on Wikipedia

[Image: Janetta Johnson of the TGI Justice Project speaks at the 2016 San Francisco Trans March, accompanied by members of El/La Para TransLatinas.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Celebrating our sisters: Trans women of color on Wikipedia“, highlights three new biographies of notable women I’ve created for the Women in Red initiative: Leyna Bloom, Elle Hearns, and Victoria Cruz.

Reminder to readers: I am considering moving to Medium as my primary publishing platform. Please follow me there if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Victim and survivor: Stalked by a trans-antagonistic sociopath

[Image: Pax  at the 2015 San Francisco Trans March in Dolores Park, wearing a purple Trans March hoodie and looking over their shoulder. Photo by Chris van Breen.]

My first members-only post on Medium,  “Victim and survivor: Stalked by a trans-antagonistic sociopath“, describes targeted online harassment I endured for several months last year. Content note: Trans-antagonism, graphic sexual references, and discussions of suicide and child abuse.

Reminder to readers: I am considering moving to Medium as my primary publishing platform. Non-members get three free members-only stories a month, and my Patreon subscribers get access to exclusive drafts. Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Freedom to oppress: Berkeley’s civil war

[Image: Protesters, led by Sunsara Taylor of Refuse Fascism, kneel with raised signs and fists.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Freedom to oppress: Berkeley’s civil war“, has photos and thoughts on freedom of speech and Berkeley Free Speech Week. My full set of photos from Sunday’s protest in Berkeley is on Flickr; some are also on Wikimedia Commons, alongside photos from other contributors. Please credit me as Pax Ahimsa Gethen if you use any of my photos, thanks.

Reminder to readers: I am considering moving to Medium as my primary publishing platform. Please follow me there if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

This week in woke Wikipedia

[Image: Dalit activist Thenmozhi Soundararajan and Whose Knowledge co-founder Anasuya Sengupta present on a panel at Wikimania, August 11, 2017.]

Today’s post on Medium, “This week in woke Wikipedia“, is about improving representation of marginalized people on Wikipedia. Highlighted are new biographies of notable women I’ve created for the Women in Red initiative: Raquel Willis, Shay Neary, and Annie Segarra.

Attention readers: I am considering moving to Medium as my primary publishing platform. Please follow me there if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!