Category Archives: LGBTQIA

Issues about sexual orientation, trans and nonbinary people

On Animals, Gender, Race, and Optics

[Image: Pax poses for a photo with MahaLakshmi, a resident of PreetiRang Sanctuary. Photo by Ziggy.]

Today’s post on Medium, “On Animals, Gender, Race, and Optics“, regards my feelings about the latest Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) stunt (where one of their white activists took the mic away from Kamala Harris).

The Glorious Beauty of Transgender Singing

Please check out this video I made to promote my upcoming Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco concert, “OUT in the Streets” (May 31 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; get tickets here). Also features my other chorus, New Voices Bay Area, hosted by the Community Music Center specifically for transgender, intersex, and genderqueer singers. Detailed photo credits, transcript, and more info available on the LGCSF blog.