Please check out this video I made to promote my upcoming Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco concert, “OUT in the Streets” (May 31 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; get tickets here). Also features my other chorus, New Voices Bay Area, hosted by the Community Music Center specifically for transgender, intersex, and genderqueer singers. Detailed photo credits, transcript, and more info available on the LGCSF blog.
[Image: Shawn Demmons and Jenna Rapues speak at the San Francisco Trans Day of Visibility celebration, March 2018.]
Today’s post on Medium, “Transmasculine musings in the #MeToo era“, is about how transgender and cisgender targets of sexual abuse and harassment can acknowledge and support each other.
[Image: Pax as a toddler in 1971, holding their Ernie puppet.]
Today’s post on Medium, “Of puppets, headcanons, and gay agendas“, explores the controversy over whether or not Ernie and Bert from Sesame Street are a gay couple.