Tag Archives: lgbtqia

Transmasculine musings in the #MeToo era

[Image: Shawn Demmons and Jenna Rapues speak at the San Francisco Trans Day of Visibility celebration, March 2018.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Transmasculine musings in the #MeToo era“, is about how transgender and cisgender targets of sexual abuse and harassment can acknowledge and support each other.

This 9/11, the terrorists I fear are at home

[Image: Sit-in during a rally against police violence, San Francisco, July 2016. One person standing holds signs reading “Say It Loud, I’m Black & I’m Proud!” and “White Supremacy Is Terrorism!”]

Today’s post on Medium, “This 9/11, the terrorists I fear are at home“, shares my memories of the day and brief thoughts about terrorism and fear.

Ten years a Wikipedian

[Image: Screenshot from Pax’s Wikipedia user page, featuring various “Fun Facts” about them and a headshot.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Ten years a Wikipedian“, discusses the experiences and frustrations I’ve had as an editor of that encyclopedia, particularly since my gender transition. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive links to bypass the paywall.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Five years in transition

[Pax rocking a jacket and colorful tie in September 2013, the month after they came out as transgender. Photo by Ziggy.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Five years in transition“, marks five years since I first announced my gender transition. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive links to bypass the paywall.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Pose: Thoughts on gender, race, and identity

[Image: A performer from AsiaSF poses on the stage of the 2015 San Francisco Trans March.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Pose: Thoughts on gender, race, and identity“, explores memories and feelings I had about those issues after watching the TV series “Pose”. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive links to bypass the paywall.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Boy juice

[Image: Self-portrait of Pax inspecting a vial of testosterone on the day before their first injection, January 2014.]

Today’s post on Medium, “Boy juice“, is about my history of menstruation,  testosterone therapy, and dealing with the U.S. medical establishment. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive links to bypass the paywall.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!

Security theater in pink and blue

Today’s post on Medium, “Security theater in pink and blue“, is about trans-antagonistic security screening by the TSA. This story is for Medium members only, but non-members get three free stories a month, and my Patreon supporters get access to exclusive links to bypass the paywall.

Reminder to readers: Please follow me on Medium if you aren’t doing so already, thanks!